And that's the difference between being an average golfer that's lucky to break 100... and being a VERY GOOD golfer that consistently breaks 80 every round you play.
Yeah, yeah, I know. You're skeptical and honestly, you should be. You've seen this before.
You can't go anywhere online without being bombarded with websites and ads bragging about how fast they can turn you into the next Tiger Woods.
So I bet this also sounds almost too good to be true, doesn't it?
Well, it's not. Again, it can be learned.
And man, it feels good to do it, too... especially when you get to watch your ball sail down the fairway like a missile.
All the while... your buddies are asking "How in the HECK did you DO that?"
You've Suddenly Added Up To 70
Accurate Yards To Your Tee Shot!
Just imagine your next round of golf.
Watching your buddies huffing and puffing... swinging wildly at the ball and hitting it 200 yards and right into the rough.
Then you walk up to the tee and casually launch a gorgeous, 315-yard precision drive that splits the fairway.
Think about it... when you hit tee shots like that... not ONLY will you have the utmost respect of ALL your'll finally experience golf like it's supposed to be played!
How I Accidentally Stumbled Upon The
Secrets That Changed My Game For Good...
I used to REALLY struggle with my game over the years.
Because I work at a full-time regular job... it was tough to keep all the aspects of my game sharp.
So I consistently scored in the 90s and 100s. I just figured that's where I'd be forever.
But since I was sick and tired of not being able to play up to the level I knew I was capable of... I went on a personal mission and spent years studying a TON of books, tapes, and videos on how to play better golf.
I devoured information on improving every single area of my game... like driving balls further and straighter, chipping and pitching better shots that land closer to the pin, and sinking putts from further distances.
And sure enough, my "mechanics" became consistently good and I became a pretty good golfer. But I just knew I could do better.
When I landed a pretty good size bonus at work... I decided to book a month's worth of lessons with one of our local golf pros. I was going to pay this instructor A LOT of money to teach me one thing: How to REALLY play the game of golf WELL.
The first thing this pro told me was that the secrets of playing incredible golf are really very simple... but almost no one ever figures them out on their own.
Sure enough, this pro instructor gave me a few simple tips that helped me to ...
Instantly Increase The Power, Distance And
Accuracy In ALL Areas Of MY Golf Game!
And I could tell right away that every penny I spent on this coach was worth it ? because after just 45 minutes of practice... I was hitting my pitches with a lot more accuracy.
I started chipping shots closer to the pin than I ever had before.

And I was sinking putts from further distances than I ever thought possible.
With just a few minor adjustments that he showed me, I literally started to crush the ball, adding 50 to 60 yards of distance to my drives that split the middle of the fairway.
I was smacking balls well past the 250 yard signs. Then I started launching tee shots past the 300 yard signs... and with pinpoint accuracy!
They Literally Exploded Off
The Tee With Unbelievable Control
Over the next few days... my coach and I would go out on the range and go from hole to hole, setting up dozens of chip shots from different angles. And I was chipping every one close from every conceivable position.
Suddenly, as if overnight... I was chipping, pitching and putting like a pro... placing shots around the pin all day long. I started to par and birdie a lot more.
Shortly after learning all these "insider" techniques... I went out and shot an 82, which was an entire 10 strokes better than my previous best game!
Then came a score of 77 in my next game.
My handicap dropped 9 strokes in just 6 weeks... to single digits! Last time out, I had an eagle (on a 508 yard par 5 hole) at the toughest course I'd ever played.

My golfing buddies have been shaking their heads in disbelief ever since all the "holes" in my game disappeared. From practicing, to thinking about shots, to knowing how to hit targets with precision...
I used my newly learned skills to analyze every shot, visualize my target... and immediately come up with the RIGHT approach every time.
I knew the best club, the correct grip, and the perfect stance. I also knew how to put the right spin on the ball and hit long, lobbing shots for amazing accuracy and precision.
And it was all without doubt and without second-guessing.
Once You Have The SECRETS Revealed To You...
You'll Start To Play The Best Golf Of Your Life
For the first time in a LONG time... I started getting compliments on how well I played.
I started to have a game so consistent that I became the guy everybody wanted on their team.
Getting a pro to share the REAL secrets of driving the ball... pitching the ball... and putting the ball has helped me more than anything else I've done.
And I was simply blown away with how simple it all was.
Can you imagine no longer WORRYING about your drives... because you KNOW they'll be straight and far down the fairway.
Can you imagine ALREADY having all the skills you need to automatically play at a high level? Getting consistently lower scores each and every week?
These Powerful Secrets Are So Simple And Easy
To Learn, You Can Have Them Down In Just One Hour!
When I teach you what I've learned, you'll shave 7 to 10 strokes off your game... add 50 to 70 yards of accurate distance to your drives... hit every fairway and green in regulation... and play the most accurate golf you've ever played!
You'll hit longer drives that don't hook or slice. You'll hit accurate iron shots that don't end up in the rough. Your chip shots and pitch shots will be closer to the pin than ever.
Strokes will drop off your handicap immediately. You'll be playing without mistakes... and you'll change your game literally overnight.
Just imagine... golf without stress and without second-guessing.
Become The Confident, Skilled Player You KNOW You Can Be
After several years of finally figuring it out... I can help you UNDERSTAND exactly what it takes to consistently break 80 every time you play!
I'm going to lay out the exact plan you need to follow... so you no longer have to wonder if you're doing all the right things.
Better yet, you're going to learn ALL of this in just a few minutes... so you can start seeing results A LOT sooner than what you're currently doing.
How much easier do you think your golf game will be when you know EXACTLY what you need to do to improve in all areas?
How much more comfortable will you feel knowing what you're going to have to do to increase your distance on drives and accuracy on chips and putts?
Why You're Not Playing The Kind
of Golf You COULD Be Playing...
Playing a GREAT game of golf is just another skill and anyone can learn it.
You weren't born knowing other skills like how to walk, how to ride a bike, or how to drive a car. These are basic skills that you LEARNED.
And the truth is... the fastest way to improve your game is to copy someone who already KNOWS the secrets.
Because let's face it. If someone else is playing great and consistently breaking 80... they obviously know something... and are DOING something... that you're not.
By learning from them... you can skip the trial and error... and ONLY spend your time and energy on what produces fast results... dropping the rest.
And this is where I come in. Over the last few years, I've taken all the secrets I used to improve ALL aspects of the golf game... from drives, to chips and pitches, to putts... and I put them into an 80-page guide.
How To Shave 7 to 10 Strokes Off Your Score and Play
The Kind of Golf You've Always Wanted... Starting Tomorrow!
No matter what your current ability and skill level is, this book will make you better. If you can't read a green to save your life... or you can't keep your ball out of the rough or bunkers.. this guide will help you.
Avoid The Mistakes And Start
Playing Almost Flawless, Effortless Golf

The book is called How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros! and it's your fast-track education with step-by-step techniques that will dramatically improve your game... WITHOUT all the ups and downs of traditional trial and error.
We'll cover everything from your grip...

We'll also cover your stance...

And all your golf shots... from chipping out of bunkers...
To putting on the green...

I'll show you the exact steps and specific directions to help you shave 7 to 10 strokes off your next round of golf... and you don't have to spend more than one hour to learn it.
And you'll do it WITHOUT having to spend the big bucks that paid when I hired a pro instructor.
Since I've written How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros!... it's been in many major golf publications such as Golf Digest, Golf Tips Magazine, Golf World and several others.
I've also won several awards for my publications, authored thousands of articles and you can find my program all over the internet.
I've Helped over 102,033 Golfers From Around
The World Improve Their Scores... Regardless Of Skill Level
The techniques and strategies I'm about to show you will help lower your handicap quickly!
Soon, you'll start to hit longer, straighter shots down the fairway... increasing your chances of making par and birdies.
You'll be sinking putts from distances further out... you'll be hitting chip shots and pitches onto the green from distances you thought were previously impossible.
While most books, manuals, DVD's or traditional programs pile on a bunch of information and leave you to put it all together for yourself... this guide delivers action-sized chunks one at a time.
This way, you'll be able to actually implement each new technique and immediately apply it to your game... without all of the hassles and frustrations of hours and hours of traditional practicing.